
IT Security and Computer Technology enthusiast, I created this blog with the aim of promote IT security and keep readers updated on IT and technological arguments.

In these years in which e-commerce has become a worldwide fundamental and of great importance for trades, much IT security is required. E-commerce involves many sectors induced such as producing, transporting, banking, advertising and IT services.

Then it is vital to ensure that everything works safely. Furthermore online shopping are done using browser like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and much more.

So not only servers but browsers also have to must be secure for execute online transactions and for use the best possible actually sophisticateds web-apps in any kind of exchange.

Another important side to defend is the user privacy. Most of the people in the world use various social networks to communicate or share documents and informations. Just to name a few: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp, Skype, Telegram. How many times we have heard news like “…data from millions of users has been stolen…”.

Not only personal computer or big servers must be taken into consideration. Many people, in addition to the personal computer, use even other devices such as smartphone or tablet, smart-tv, connected webcam, bluetooth devices, routers wi-fi, etc….

The interests behind the internet are multiple and for make sure that everything works safely it is necessary to test all vulnerabilities in all these systems and devices.

More advanced technologies and algorithms = higher number of vulnerabilities = higher risks = higher need of it security

In recent years, companies that deal with cybersecurity are taking off more and more and this sector, in the future, I think will be very strong.

There are several certifications, issued by IT security companies, that people can get on penetration testing skills. This is also a booming market, especially among young people.

Finally, there are online platforms for “training” on penetration testing. See HachTheBox or TryHackMe. But there are others too. I love them because I can hack a system without violate the law (lol). The machines are from easy to hard. They are not for total beginners.

I train myself regularly on these platforms. So I don’t forget the things I have studied and I keep up to date on the latest news.



Dark Mode